“Meeting Nude Woman Walking on Balls (after Hans Baldung Grien) 1514”
I am wanting to express to you a range of thoughts and ideas I have had in relation to both the work here by Hans Baldung Grien, ‘Nude Woman Walking on Balls’ from 1514 and my own performed response, ‘Meeting Nude Woman Walking on Balls’ ( video still above).
I have been fascinated by this image (gesture at image of Grien’s) for some twenty years. It seems to tell so many stories. What I first reacted to and what still haunts me remains the arcane strangeness of a naked woman pictured walking with balls strapped to her feet. It is a mystery – why did the artist, Hans Baldung Grien in 1514 draw a woman this way. What was he trying to say?
My idea of performing the act was to become the woman, in order to understand both the meanings of the image better and to somehow ‘meet’ with it’s central character.
an extract from: Performance Lecture text for Body Parts RSA, Edinburgh 19 Feb 2006
Bronwyn Platten, born in Adelaide, South Australia, is an artist, researcher and curator based in Manchester, United Kingdom.
Bronwyn's work explores embodiment, gender, sexuality and identity and utilises a range of media including sculpture, performance, film and installation. She has exhibited her own work internationally as well as developing creative arts projects with individuals and groups from diverse communities.
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