Friday, 6 May 2011


Louise Colbourne

Louise Colbourne graduated from the Slade in 2006 with an MFA in sculpture. She has exhibited her work internationally and developed a number of curatorial projects, to include the Big screen and Film Gallery at the Latitude festival.

Colbourne works primarily with film, video and sculpture, often embellishing the mundane with a visually monumental presence. The work has a ‘make-do and mend’ aesthetic combining humour with a more ominous content… There is also a strong sense of physicality through the movement of the figure, sculptural forms and the camera motion itself. Repetition in much of Colbourne’s work begins, with a certain temporal overlap, which echos and resonates according to an almost musical rhythm.

Jenny Baines

Pictured is a still from the 16mm film ‘Against the Tide’, I attempt to swim against a current that is too strong and I am repeatedly washed from the frame.

Also pictured is a still from the 16mm film ‘Tipping Point’.  A china plate spins precariously on a stick and as it falls, the film cuts. The action repeats, the plate spins, falling from the frame repeatedly. 

I use what could be defined as Sisyphean rules and tasks, performing them for the camera or suggesting them within how the work is exhibited. These actions can seem like a romantic response to, or an urge to escape from the space in which they are performed.